Limited Atonement

The son of God gave his life to redeem all those who were given to him by the father in the covenant of grace. Lets look at Isaiah chapter 53 verses 11-12 My righteous servant justify many for he shall bear their iniquities. And in the next verse hebare the sin of many. People beleve and teach that The Lord Jesus gave hie life for the sins fo the whole human race, which he did not. Lets look at Matthew chapter 1 verse 21 he shall save hie people from their sin, hie people are all those that were given to him in the covenant fo grace by God. They are theredeemed out of every kindred, tongue, nation, and people, the saviour will have the fill reward of his obedience unto death. Redemption is not, and will not be universal but out of every kindred, tongue, nnation, and people. lets, let the Bible speak for itself Go to the following verses, John Chapters 6:37-39,65 10:11, 17:3, also Matthews chapter 20 verse 28, 26:28. Hebrews chapter 9 verse 28. please take the time and read their verses. Jesue gave his life for a centain people that was given to him by God the father. If God wanted all men saved they would be remember in the book of Isaiah when God said in chapter 46 verses 10, “My counsel shall stand and I will do all my pleasure” and in verse 11,”I have spoken it,I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do.” So you see if it was Gods purpose to save the whole human race they would be But it was not Gods purpose to do so. “Jese stated that all that the father gave to me will come to me” in John chapter 6:37. Also read all of John chapter 10 and 17. Next I will be writing on Irresistible Grace. until next God bless and God be with you.

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