Meta Quest 2 VR Head Set

Virtual reality headset and handles I own one and the first time I tried it I went on a roller coaster and I was standing up that was the big mistake cuz I feel like I was actually on a roller coaster standing you’re really think that you’re riding a roller coaster it’s that real enjoyed the ride cuz you actually feels like you’re there it is great virtual reality is awesome because in the virtual world you can be whoever you want to be you make your virtual character you can play games you can exercise you got movies, when you watching the movie feel like you’re actually in the movie that’s how real it is also. you can do whatever you want this is the best that I ever did and it’s great look for it Oculus quest 2 I’m getting on at Amazon I hope you enjoy cuz I showed up do and I use mine all the time. Enjoy and you won’t regret it.

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